Saturday 10 October 2015

Resolving Conflicts: learning using Padlet

In Year 5, we have spent our Term 3 Health lessons discussing conflict resolution and what techniques we can use to “bounce back” from difficult situations and live resilient lives. As a class, we decided that this is one area that we could provide a positive example for the whole school, in order to make our environment as peaceful and encouraging as possible. We discussed the characteristics of calmly resolving a conflict and what behaviours we may be able to see, hear and feel during this process. The students then individually completed a Padlet wall, where they wrote their own descriptions of resolving a conflict. They then included a photo demonstrating conflict resolution. They have worked so well on this topic for the entire term and it is so wonderful to see such harmony within the class. Feel free to have a look at our class Padlet wall using the following link

Claire Cooper
Year 5 Teacher

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